Creating the right organisational environment for performance requires a systemic approach. True, studies have shown that it is the leader that has the greatest influence of environment and performance. However, even the best leaders need the systems and processes to support this.
​The provision of a well-being program is not enough to compensate for ineffective processes and systems or poor leadership.
Applying her research with well-known business models, Sam takes a systemic and holistic approach to identifying the organisational mechanisms that reduce and increase both employee resilience and psychological safety. Applying her Instil, Distil and Fulfil model enables her to take a top down, holistic approach to creating Psychological Safety throughout your organisation.
Creating the right organisational environment for performance requires a systemic approach. True, studies have shown that it is the leader that has the greatest influence of environment and performance. However, even the best leaders need the systems and processes to support this.
The provision of a well-being program is not enough to compensate for ineffective processes and systems or poor leadership.
Applying her research with well known business models, Sam takes a systemic and holistic approach to identifying the organisational mechanisms that reduce and increase both employee resilience and psychological safety.
Employees have a role to play in their own performance, psychological safety and resilience. However to do so, they need to be "SOUND", i.e. willing and able to apply the the toolkits for resilience, psychological safety and performance. Sam creates employee initiatives that compliment organisational and leadership efforts to create a SAFE environment.
Sam's research supported the literature that it is an employees leader that has the greatest influence on their psychological safety and subsequently their performance. Working with leaders to support them in creating a environment that enables employees to RISE.
Where more personal development is needed, Sam is a qualified coach and has experience in supporting both personal and professional development for individuals.
One of the unexpected, and yet unsurprising findings of Sam’s research was the lack of psychological resources young people had to enable their resilience. The shocking rise in mental health problems in young people is testament to this. Thus Sam became involved in providing young adults with the tools to develop resilience for the workplace before they begin their careers.