Creating the right organisational environment for performance requires a systemic approach. True, studies have shown that it is the leader that has the greatest influence of environment and performance. However, even the best leaders need the systems and processes to support this.
The provision of a well-being program is not enough. At the point an employee requires the use of a well being program, resilience has failed. The organisation has failed. A well being program is no substitute for processes, systems and leaders who get it right in the first place.
Using well known business models, Dr Sam takes a systemic and holistic approach to identifying the aspects of the organisation that reduce and increase both resilience and psychological safety. Her research has shown that what is required to build resilience is not the same as what is needed for psychological safety.
Dr Sam has developed an organisational toolkit to support organisations analyse their operations through the lens of neuroscience, in particular change programs. Even the implementation of new IT systems creates an impact on employee brains, hormones and subsequently behaviours. A change plan is NOT a project plan. You want people to change? Then implement your change in a brain-friendly way.